Aminet 40
Aminet 40 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 2000].iso
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@tocprespace 1
@base AmiTradeCenter_E
@pretitle AmiTradeCenter
@author "Ingo Musquinier"
@Main "Table Of Contents"
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¹¼½ AmiTradeCenter V1.2 (short ATC) / powerful FTP-Client with ADT Support ¼½¹
Translation from german to english by ¹Ingo Musquinier¹
AmiTradeCenter is (c) 2000 by Matthias Böcker - All Rights Reserved
Note: The Design and Layout of this Guide was inpired by the PatchWork.guide
(c) by Richard Körber.
Note2: This Guide was automatically generated by t2g (c) 2000 by Matthias Böcker
@n 1. "Introducing" how it all began
One day, it was spring 1998, some people told me to write a really new,
comfortable, small, very useful FTP-Client. The reason for this was the
unflexible dirlistparser of AmFTP which seems to drive all of the
ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates more or less crazy (that doesn't mean that
development of ATC was nice for those candidates. Not to mention long-term
effects which possibly occur or even thinking about it).
So I took the very unpleasant challenge to write a really new, comfortable,
small, very useful program.
As I have had no idea of TCP/IP programing (don't have and never will
have), development stand still (for the moment) with a dirlistparser which
was really, honestly, at a rough guess, 10 times better than that in this
other program. Some of my ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates mates went out
to say that this enormous improvement could not be expressed with the
natural range of digits as we know them from school and they have had think
up new digits that would made every highlevel professor of math to enter
new worlds.
Then i, due to my incompetence, made development incredible slow (so no one
would ever notice) to focus on really important things, as we all know how
much one has to care nowadays to avoid things like cutting grass, cleaning
shoes, tidy up your cellar, visit the barbershop, going to a yodel course
and so on.
An incredible amount of time went by and I felt very safe as well as in a
patronizing mood (due to renovation of our local bubble gum machine) so it
seems impossible to avoid unimportant things like mentioned above at this
One day, as I was on the way to cut the grass, while yodelling a bit, i
noticed like thunderstruck how unimportant it was to cut the grass while
yodelling a bit or to do a concentration dance in reversed order and how
important it was to put my
roughly-guessed-10-time-better-dirlistparser-as-it-was-in-AmFTP in a (a)
very expensive MUI-GUI and (b) an already covered in (c) entirety which
would be no challenge for a highlevel professor of math to come up with, to
interpret slowmotion close-ups from a reporter sitting at the beach with
plastic bags around his shoes.
Meanwhile, it was summer 1999 and the program which was named MyFTP at this
point, made very good progress. I was told to change things here and there
and to add this and that, to quickformat my drives and to add some buttons
and finally, to get ready with the program.
Then, in late summer, I have had hollidays (what luckily gives me some
distance from all unimportant things) as the big question how to name the
program, which was meanwhile named from MyFTP to Hannover, comes to my
About days and weeks there was only one topic in the ProClam-chat which
was, by the time visited somewhat unregular but consistent by the
ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates, how to name the program finally.
Here is a list of names that were suggested by the
ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates and myself: GelbFTP, GetOver, GetOverIt,
GetItOver, LetItBe, OverUndAus, Roger, HangOver, L-Over, powerfulFTP,
OverFTP, futschikato, NetOver, OverNet, BetterFTP, ÜberFTP, SpeedFTP,
BlackFTP, DarkFTP, eclipseFTP, BuckelFTP, GamsFTP, ExtraFTP, SuperFTP,
PrimaFTP, UltraFTP, TransferOMat, SpeedOMat, IngOMat, TPFKAH, The Program
Formerly Known As Hannover, Feines Transfer Programm, Heftiges Transfer
programm, warpFTP, FTPBlaster, ZickZack, haFTProbe, GetOMat, XferMe, WAW =
Watch And Wonder, BeatIt!, Vaporizer, Pulverisierer, Fast Totale
Pulverisierung, FireFTP, hotFTP, crimsonFTP, fastFTP, siliconFTP, GummFTP,
FTPExtravaganza, stunningFTP, thrillingFTP, breathtakingFTP, trickyFTP,
amazingFTP, FTPRaider, HolyFTP, FTPUndDerGanzeRest, Turbopump, PumpItUp,
PumpOMat, PumpITOver, FTPumper, iFTP, FTPNG, bulkyFTP, NiceFTP, MuiFTP,
AmiCuteFTP, BoingFTP, BavarianFTP, Interceptor, whodunnitFTP, SmurfFTP,
SmartFTP, TiltFTP, FTP: Episode I, smarty, mcfly, Hannover, King^Kassel,
BremerStadtMusikanten, CleverFTP, SmoothFTP, SlickFTP, SilkyFTP,
astonishingServerManager, crazyClient, HappyFTP, CrazyFTP, IncredibleFTP,
PricelessFTP, AstonishingFTP, SchlauFTP, whatsoeverFTP, nonameftp,
TrulyFTP, TurboPump, JumboSauger, WorldTradeCenter.
The last one of all names that was elected as the name by a
jury of 2-3 people, was not accepted. In the mind of the
ProClam-chat-demigod-candidates (actually only one of them)
WorldTradeCenter would be a brilliant and original name that was flawless
and free of spots, which emerge if you drag something very slowly through
cocoa or similar brown material (which could also be syrupy).
It was decided that WorldTradeCenter would not match exactly and that such
a big name would be no name for a program with very simple history and the
term "world" was replaced with "Ami" which made the name a little bit (but
not really that much) more accurate.
After the process to find the right name it was time for me to focus on
the entirety of procedures of hygenic treatment of the face, the hair and
the skin which left me dashed to the ground (but was not really disgusting)
and besides the development of the really new, comfortable, small and very
useful program.
¹-- To Be Continued --¹
@n 2. "Features" Program Features
Well, here's a short list of features, which distinguish ATC more or less
from other available FTP-Clients:
· Preconfiguration of new server entries
· URL Parser for standard FTP-URLs
· Filelist for each server entry where you can add files and whole
directories which can be edited, saved and downloaded at a later date
· The contents of the filelist can be saved at exit
· Simple handling of filetransfers
· Downloadbatch can be reordered and edited before and during the transfer
· Recursive up and downloading of whole directory-trees
· Keepalive support to prevent disconnection from the remote server due to
· Adjustable cps limit for each connection to control the bandwith
· Drag & Drop between all listviews
· Directory history for each server
· Directory cache during a session
· Configurable sounds for the most common events
· Statistics for each server
· Full ADT-Server Support
· Rate Aminet files
· Aminet Charts
· Highlighting of files in a configurable color using pattern matching (ADT)
· Shows the expected end of the transfer of the current file and for the
whole batch
· Firewall-Friendly-FTP (PASV) Support
· Tetris for long downloads
@n 3. "Requirements" How your Amiga should look like
· ¹min. MC68020¹
· ¹AmigaOS 3.0¹ or better
· ¹MUI 3.8¹
-> Aminet:util/libs/mui38usr.lha
· ¹NList.mcc¹
-> Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_NList0_89.lha
· ¹Listtree.mcc¹
-> http://www-student.etechnik.fh-aachen.de/~kmel/download.html#listtree
· ¹Busy.mcc¹
-> Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_Busy2_4.lha
· ¹BetterBalance.mcc¹ (optional)
-> Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_BBalance.lha
· ¹BetterString.mcc¹ (optional)
-> http://sahl.mondo.dk/duff/MCC_BetterString.LZX
-> http://www.diku.dk/students/duff/BetterString/index.html
· ¹TCP/IP-Stack¹
Miami -> http://www.nordicglobal.com/swdl.html
AmiTCP -> comm/tcp/AmiTCP-40.lha
Genesis -> comm/tcp/gendemo104.lha
@n 4. "Copyright" Distribution
AmiTradeCenter is Freeware. You are allowed to use it without payment to
the Author or any other person on this planet (on mars the rules are
probably different).
If you want to spread copies of AmiTradeCenter, please note that this is
only allowed if you keep the archive together (i.e. all files must remain
within the archive). However, you are allowed to recompress the archive
with any other archiver you prefer.
Distribution via AmiNet, as well as AmiNet-CDs, Meeting Pearls and such is
allowed but should not exceed 30,-DM (US $15,-) for CDs or 5,-DM (US $2.50)
for floppydiscs.
@n 5. "Installation" How to ban ATC on a Harddisk
Doubleclick the install-icon and follow the instructions or, if you don't
like that, copy all files to a directory of your choice. In this case you
must copy all files to the new directory, no file has to be copied to any
other directory because this could bring you into a lot of trouble. ATC
may behave not the way it should do, you have been warned!
@x 6. "THE GUI" Basics, Targets, Hopes
The userinterface was planed to be simple and efficient in usage but with
all the options and features of ATC if was difficult to achieve that.
The design and layout has changed several times during development, the
result is how ATC looks and feels today. Hope you like it.
@n 6.1 "The Mainwindow" Server-Manager
This window, the servermanager, pops up after starting ATC. It contains
all necessary options to maintain the serverlist.
@n 6.2 "The Menu" of the Server-Manager
°Menu: Project
· ¹iconify all clients¹ - All running clients are iconified
· ¹deiconify all clients¹ - All iconified clients are deiconified
· ¹About AmiTradeCenter¹ - No comment
· ¹About MUI¹ - No comment
· ¹TETRiS¹ - While downloading you can play tetris to prevent you from falling
asleep ;)
· ¹Iconify¹ - Iconifies ATC
· ¹Quit ATC¹ - Quits ATC and all running clients
°Menu: Options
· ¹Close servermanager automatically¹ - This checkmark indicates that
the servermanager should be iconified if you connect to a server.
· ¹Open servermanager automatically¹ - This checkmark indicates that
the servermanager should be deiconified as soon as the last client
was closed.
°Menu: serverprofiles
· ¹Load profiles¹ - Here you can load new profiles
· ¹Load standard profiles¹ - Load the default profiles ('.profiles')
· ¹Add profiles¹ - Adds profiles to the end of the server-list
· ¹Save profiles¹ - Save the current profiles with the last used #?.profiles
· ¹Save profiles as...¹ - Saves the current profiles with a name of your
choice. An ASL-requester will help you doing so ;)
· ¹Save profiles as standard¹ - Saves the current profiles as the new standard
profiles ('.profiles')
· ¹Autosave¹ - Here you are able to activate autosave for the profiles.
You can choose between the following modes:
· ¹Off¹ - Profiles won't be saved automatically.
· ¹Everytime¹ - The profiles will be saved everytime after the setable
· ¹Only when entries are added/removed¹ - Saves all profiles if there
were profiles added or removed after the setable timeinterval.
· ¹Autosave Time¹ - Here you are able to choose the timeinterval for the
autosave feature. You can choose between 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes.
· ¹Save profiles at exit¹ - If you check this item, ATC saves the profiles
at program termination.
°Menu: Settings
· ¹Settings¹ - Opens the settings window
· ¹Load settings¹ - You can load settings here
· ¹Load default settings¹ - Load the default settings ('.config')
· ¹Save settings¹ - Save the settings with the last used #?.config name
· ¹Save as default¹ - Save the settings as the default settings for ATC
· ¹Save settings at exit¹ - If you check this item, ATC saves the settings
at program termination.
· ¹MUI...¹ - Opens the MUI-Prefs-Editor for ATC
@n 6.3 "Server Settings"
This chapter handles all settings that are necessary for a FTP-Site.
· ¹Comment¹ - You can place a comment for a server here. This could be any
name that tells you something about the server.
· ¹Address¹ - The domain or IP where the server lives on.
Must not start with ftp:// as ATC will connect you to a FTP-server
· ¹Port¹ - A portnumber on which ATC should connect the remote server
If you leave this gadget empty, ATC will use port 21 (hopefully).
· ¹Mode¹ - You can select one of 3 modes here.
¹ADT¹ - This is the Aminet-Download-Tool mode. If you connect
to aminet you want to use this.
¹Login/PW¹ - In this mode you give a loginname and a password
¹Anonymous¹ - This mode is for anonymous logins like @ftp.vapor.com
· ¹Remote directory¹ - You can put a directory name here, which will be
visited immediately after a successful login.
· ¹Checkmark right to "Remote dir."¹ - If you check this checkmark, ATC
will save the name of the last visited directory for this site.
· ¹PopUp right to "Remote dir."¹ - This list contains the last 20 visited
directories of the remote site. Doubleclicking an entry will set the
clicked directory as the remote directory.
· ¹Local directory¹ - Same as remote directory but for local paths.
· ¹Checkmark right to "local dir."¹ - Same as for remote directory (see above)
· ¹parse URL¹ - If you define a new server and write an URL like
ftp://[username:passwort]@servername[:port]/path into the comment-gadget you
can use this button to automatically set all fields for the server.
@n 6.4 "Advanced Options"
Advanced options are not vital for a successful login to a remote server.
However, you would probably want to set some of these options to your needs.
· ¹Tries¹ - If a login was not successful (too many users, server not
reachable or whatever reason) ATC will reconnect as often as you define
· ¹Delay¹ - Time to wait between every try.
· ¹Keep Alive¹ - ATC send a NOOP-command every 30 seconds. This will prevent
you from being disconnected from a remote server because of inactivity.
Note that this does not work on all servers, i.e. depends on the remote
server configuration.
· ¹Cache¹ - If you check this checkmark, ATC will use a cachesystem for this
· ¹PASV¹ - If you check this checkmark, ATC uses the command PASV instead of
PORT. You should use PASV if you are behind a firewall.
· ¹Single Lister Mode¹ - Shows the remote directory only
@n 6.5 "Transfer "
· ¹CPS-Limit¹ - This slider limits the CPS. You can use it if you connect to
a friend and don't want to use all his bandwidth. You could also lower the
CPS to control your own bandwidth.
· ¹Disconnect if cps drops below¹ - If the CPS drops under this limit, ATC
reconnects you to this server and resume the download. The aim is to have
a better CPS after reconnect.
· ¹for the last (x seconds)¹ - Reconnection takes effect if the CPS is
below the limit for longer then this value, only.
· ¹Ignore first seconds¹ - You can set how many seconds should be ignored for
the reconnect feature after a new download. Especially useful if you start
a download and the CPS is not immediately up to full CPS. It takes some
seconds to reach the full CPS with the server.
· ¹Tries¹ - How many times ATC should try to reconnect to achieve a better
@n 6.6 "ADT"
Here you are able to change some functions regarding the ADT-Mode. If the
serverentry is not in ADT-Mode, this page will be ghosted.
Also see `Server'.
@n 6.7 "Statistics"
This register shows some statistics for the server, such as:
Time and date of your first and last login, the number of connections,
the number of successful logins, the number of files down/uploaded,
the number of bytes sent/received, the maximum and average CPS and
the amount of time you spent on this server.
There's also a button "Clear Statistic" which, of course, set all
statistics to 0 (zero). This button is only usable if you are not
connected to the server in question.
@n 6.8 "Server List"
The NList-listview shows all servers that were currently loaded. You can
read here the comment, the address, the port and the mode of each server.
With a doubleclick of an entry ATC tries to connect to this server. If you
are already connected to this server, the window jumps to the front or, if
it's iconified it's deiconified.
If you have installed the MUI-Class "NListtree.mcc" you can see the state of
a server from its color. NListtree.mcc is part of the release-version of
ATC and can be installed during ATC installation quite easily.
Note: There is also a "real" NListtree.mcc available since a few month.
Please do not install this one because there are too many bugs atm.
Below the server list, there are funny buttons that you can use to
play funny games with each entry.
· ¹Add Server¹ - Adds a server to the end of the list, default settings will
take effect as configured in settings/server.
· ¹Copy server¹ - ATC adds a copy of the active server to the list. ATC
detects automatically how many copies already exist. E.g. a server
called "Aminet USA" would be "C1_Aminet USA" if you hit this button.
· ¹Remove server¹ - Removes a server from the list.
· ¹Add goup¹ - Adds a new group to the end of the list.
· ¹Connect¹ - Tries to connect you to the server (wow).
· ¹Disconnect¹ - Disconnect from the server.
· ¹(De)Iconify¹ - (de)Iconifies the clientwindow (depends on the current
state of the window.
· ¹Quit¹ - Disconnect the server and shut down the client.
@x 7. "FTP Window" ATC-Trader
This window opens if you try to connect to a server.
The GUI layout depends on your settings.
At the bottom of the window is another list, this is the loglist, where you
can see all activities between ATC and the remote server. With the right
mousebutton you reach the contextmenu of the loglist and you can select
between "save log as file" or clear loglist.
@n 7.1 "FTP/ADT-Mode Menu"
°Menu: Project
· ¹Server Manager¹ - This menu gets the server manager to front.
· ¹About ATC¹ - Dunno
· ¹About MUI¹ - Dito
· ¹Disconnect¹ - Guess!
· ¹Quit¹ - Guess again ;)
°Menu: Options
· ¹Use cache¹ - Please see `advanced options'
· ¹Keep Alive¹ - Please see `advanced options'
· ¹PASV¹ - Please see `advanced options'
· ¹keep local directory¹ - Saves the last used local directory name for the
next login
· ¹keep remote directory¹ - Dito but for the remote directory
· ¹show log¹ - The loglist at the bottom of the window can be activated here.
You can either set it to ¹never¹, ¹not while downloading¹ or simply
¹always¹. Choose well Luke.
°Menu: Action
· ¹Send raw command¹ - You can send any command you want with this menu item.
If you don't know what to do with this function, better keep your hands
· ¹Download by name¹ - Here you can download a file by name e.g.
on aminet in directory /priv/
· ¹Show Aminet Message Of The Day¹ - This is only possible in ADT-Mode. It
shows (you wouldn't know if you don't read here) the MOTD in a new window.
°Menu: Settings
· ¹Displaymode Transfer¹ - You can select between ¹simple¹ and ¹detailed¹
displaymode for downloading. If you select ¹simple¹, there will be only a
few information shown while downloading, whereas ¹detailed¹ shows more
information. Just try both modes and decide then ;M)
· ¹Show remote directory only¹ - Change the gui layout to only show the
remote directory.
@n 7.2 "FTP-Mode"
The FTP-Mode allows to handle files the way (famous) filemanager does.
You can copy, delete, rename or view a file, you can also create new
There are 2 listview available for this matter which show your local
directory (left) and the remote directory (right).
Doubleclick an entry either shows the file with the viewer you choose
in ATC-settings or, if the entry is a diretory, change the directory.
On top of every listview you'll find the title of the listview (local or
· ¹Strindgadget Path¹ - Shows the path that is currently shown in the
listview. It is possible to write down a new path here and if it's
available, ATC changes the directory immediately.
· ¹PopUp (local)¹ - Shows a list with all drives and assigns in your system.
With a doubleclick you select the drive/assign.
· ¹PopUp (remote)¹ - Shows the last 20 entries of the history from the server.
With a doubleclick on an entry ATC changes to this old directory.
· ¹Parent¹ - With this button you climb up the tree to the parent directory.
· ¹Reload¹ - If you find out, let me know :-)
°The Buttons
· ¹Send¹ (on the left side only) - Uploads all selected entries to the
selected remote directory. It is possible to upload a whole directory,
with its subdirectories as well, to the remote server. If you indeed have
selected a directory a requester pops up to ask what you want to do
¹Upload¹ - Creates the directory and uploads all files into this new
(remote) directory.
¹recursive¹ - create directory with all its subdirectories on the remote
server and upload all files.
¹skip¹ - Skip this diretory and go to the next entry.
· ¹Receive¹ (remote only) - All seleced files are transferred to the local
· ¹Select¹ - With this function you can select files/directories via
a DOS-pattern (like #?, [1-9] and so on). The window which opens up
should be pretty self-describing.
· ¹Makedir¹ - Of course, you can create a new directory with this button
(hey, what did you expect?)
· ¹Show¹ - This starts the viewer you have choosen in ATC-settings for all
selected entries.
· ¹Rename¹ - If clicked, a requester pops up, where you can enter a new
name for the active file/directory.
· ¹Delete¹ - Deletes all selected entries.
· ¹CHMOD¹ - CHMOD a remote file. If you don't know what it's good for, just
don't use it!
Below each listview is a textfield where you can see some informations for
the current directory.
This line may look like this:
- ¹59 Files [2], 16 Dirs [3], 14.505K [4.882K]¹ -
That means, there are 59 files with 14.505 kB and 16 directories within the
current directory. From these entries, 2 files and 3 directories are
selected. The two files are together 4.882 kB in size.
For the remote listview the statusdisplay also shows CPS and bytes while
reading a remote directory. You can stop reading directories with the
(wohooo) stopbutton on the right, you will know it's the stopbutton once
you see it.
@n 7.3 "ADT-Mode"
ADT is a shortcut for Aminet-Download-Tool and is a special mode which
allows to browse a list of recently uploaded files. Normally this would be
an Aminet-Server. ATC offers different options in ADT-Mode.
· ¹Rate Files¹ - With this function you can rate a file on Aminet. The
charts are maintained on a weekly basis, so don't expect your rating takes
immediate effect on the charts. As an Amiga user you should have learned to
wait, though ;)
· ¹Show readme¹ - If you select a file and hit this button ATC downloads
and shows the .readme file of the entry. A doubleclick on an entry has the
same effect.
· ¹Select¹ - with this function you can select files via a DOS-pattern (like
#?, [1-9] and so on). The window which opens should be pretty
· ¹Mode¹ - There are 6 different modes available.
· ¹New¹ - This is what you normally want. It shows all new entries since
your last login.
· ¹Recent 7¹ - Shows all uploads within the last week.
· ¹Recent 14¹ - Shows all uploads within the last forthnight (2 weeks)
· ¹Local¹ - Shows all files that are stored on the ADT-Server. Download
this list can take some time, be prepared to play tetris or something...
¹Search¹ - You can search through aminet with this function. Just type
one or more words into the stringgadget.
¹Charts¹ - This mode is not really a standard on ADT-Servers. There is
no guarantee that it works on every ADT-Server, at least Wuarchive and
Paderborn are proofed to work properly. If you find an ADT-server which
doesn't work in chart-mode, please report to the ATC-Development-Council(tm).
However, the charts show 2 lists, one with the most downloaded files and
one with the highest rated files (ATC tops this list ATM (25.04.2000).
· ¹Receive¹ - Transfer all selected files to your local harddisk.
°The List
· ¹sort¹ - To sort the list, just click on one of the titlebars on top
of the list.
Of course, in mode "charts" you can't sort the list in any way.
@n 7.4 "The Batchlist"
There are two buttons right under the remote listview. These two buttons
together builds a powerful feature. Remembering of files.
· ¹Add¹ - All selected files are gathered in a list if you press this
button. There is a mechanism to avoid dupes in the list. Another
possibility is to drag&drop the entries over the button or you can
drag&drop directly into the list if the window is open.
· ¹PopUp (usually a magnifying glass)¹ - With this button you open the
batchlist which holds the files you have added to the list.
If the list is not empty when you disconnect from a server, ATC can do
different things depending on your settings (see `Settings').
@n 7.5 "Recursive Download"
A very nice feature of ATC is recursive download. You can choose if you
want to overtake the directory structure from the remote server (you can
easily mirror a server this way).
If you have indeed selected a directory a new window pops up to ask what
to do.
You have the following choices:
· ¹Download (flat)¹ - Just download all files within the remote directory
to your download directory.
· ¹Download (create dir)¹ - This method is like download with the difference
that a new directory is created within your download path.
All remote files are stored there.
· ¹Recursive (flat)¹ - This method downloads all files, include files that are
in subdiretories, to your download path.
· ¹Recursive (keep dirtree)¹ - Here it is, the exact mirror function :-)
The directory structure from the remote server is mirrored on your
@n 7.6 "Transfer Window"
The transfer window is used for up and download.
You can see all necessary data for the up/download here.
The window is somewhat divided in two groups. The first one shows all data
for the transfer. The second one show the list of files queued for
transfer and some buttons (while downloading only) as well.
If you start a download ATC will first check if you have enough bytes left
on your harddisk for this particular download. If this is not the case,
ATC bothers you with a requester to ask what to do.
°Transfer Group
You can see vital data here, e.g. local and remote filename, expected time
for the transfer, expected end of the transfer, elapsed time, cps,
sent/received bytes and some things more (have a look).
· ¹CPS-Limit¹ - During transfer you can control the transfer speed with this
slider if you e.g. don't want to use too much bandwidth from a friend
or share your bandwidth with other tasks (like webbrowsers and such).
· ¹CPS-History¹ - You can watch the cps of the last few seconds here. With
a doubleclick on the CPS-History you can reset the meter.
· ¹Abort Transfer¹ - Abort the transfer of a file.
If you have set ATC to ask before aborting a download, a requester pops
up in the first place. You are asked if you want to go on with downloading,
abort the download and delete the incomplete file (while downloading only)
or want to add the file to the batchlist.
°Batch Group
This group shows a list with all queued files (waiting for transfer). On
the right of the list you can see some data about the transfer.
· ¹Abort Queue¹ - Abort the transfer of the queue including the file which
is in progress at the moment. Again a requester pops up, if your settings
indicate to do so, asking you what to do.
This would be one of this:
· ¹Remove Entries¹ - Kick selected entries out of the list (big fun indeed ;))
· ¹Clear List¹ - Kick all entries out of the list (even more fun).
· ¹Add To Batch¹ - All entries are added to the batch.
· ¹Arrow up/down¹ - With this buttons you can shuffle the active entry
up and down within the list.
@x 8. "Settings" Settings for ATC
This window holds all possible settings for ATC, you find it in the menu
under Settings/Settings (huh).
The setting window is a nice register group to avoid layout mayhem ;)
At the bottom of the window you'll find three buttons which, I think, do
not need to be explained further.
@n 8.1 "General" General Settings
· ¹Closegadget¹ - You can set the closegadget of ATC to do different things.
· ¹Quit ATC and all connections¹ - Does exactly this
· ¹Iconify servermanager¹ - The servermanager is iconified if you click the
· ¹Iconify ATC and Traders¹ - The servermanager and all traders are iconified
if you click the closegadget
· ¹Password for anonymous logins¹ - You can define a password for anonymous
login here. Usually this is the email address of the user (in this case yours).
· ¹Viewer¹ - You can select your favorite viewer here. This viewer is used
in FTP and ADT mode to view files (wohooo). You should add %f which will
be replaced with the filename.
· ¹Confirm "Remove Server"¹ - If you want to remove a server and this
checkmark is checked, a requester pops up to ask if you really want to do
· ¹Backup Profiles¹ - ATC backups you profiles at exit if you check this
@n 8.2 "Transfer" Settings for the transfer
· ¹Displaymode¹ - You can select between simple or detailed layout of the
transfer window here. (see also `FTP/ADT-Mode Menu')
°Download and Download-Queue
· ¹Add filenote after download¹ - If you check this checkmark, each file
gets a filenote in form of the URL where it comes from.
· ¹Confirm "Abort Transfer"¹ - You can choose what happens if you abort a
· ¹Abort Transfer¹ - Abort transfer, incomplete files remain on your disk.
· ¹Abort And Remove¹ - Abort transfer and delete incomplete files from your
· ¹Add To Batch¹ - Abort transfer and add the file to the queue for later
download. The incomplete file remains on your disk.
· ¹Confirm Abort Batch¹ - You can choose what happens if you
abort a batch
· ¹Abort Queue¹ - Abort and delete the current queue.
· ¹Add queue and the current download to batch¹ - Abort the transfer
and add all entries from the download queue to the batchlist.
· ¹Add queue to batch¹ - Abort the transfer and add queue to batchlist
· ¹Do Not Abort¹ - Guess ;)
· Confirm delete batch - You can choose what happens if you
delete a batch
· ¹Clear Batch¹ - Does exactly this ;M)
· ¹Move to queue¹ - Move all entires to the queue
· ¹Do not delete¹ - You may figure it out on your own
· ¹Edit batch before download¹ - Before a download is actually started you
can edit the batch e.g. to receive your most wanted file within the
batch first or remove one or more files from the queue.
· ¹Warn if download doesn't fit¹ - If you have not enough bytes left on your
harddisk (where the download should be stored) a requester pops up to
warn you about that fact.
· ¹If queue is not empty¹ - If the queue is not empty and you try to quit
the ATC-Trader, you can choose here what to do in this case.
· ¹Save Batch¹ - Save the queue for the next login and quit ATC-Trader
· ¹Download Batch¹ - Download the batch right now.
· ¹Ignore¹ - Ignore the batchlist and quit ATC-Trader.
· ¹Ask¹ - Ask what to do with the queue
· ¹Buffersize for download¹ - You can set a buffersize for downloading here.
ATC doesn't write to disk immediately, instead a buffer is filled and if
the buffer is full ATC writes it to your disk. The buffersize has impact
on your average CPS, usually bigger buffer means higher CPS.
@n 8.3 "Switches" Security
· ¹Confirm Disconnection¹ - If this checkmark is checked a requester pops up
every time you disconnect from a server to ask if you really want to
· ¹Confirm local delete¹ - If this checkmark is checked a requester pops
up if you try to delete a local file, i.e. in FTP doublelistmode in
the left listview that is.
· ¹Confirm remote delete¹ - Same as local but for remote files (of course)
· ¹Don't activate client window¹ - If this checkmark is checked no client
window will be activated instead, the servermanager remains the active
· ¹Open batch if not empty (after login)¹ - If the queue isn't empty after
a successful login, ATC opens the window with the queue.
· ¹Show FTP-log¹ - You can choose if the loglist is shown ¹never¹,
¹not while transferring¹ files or ¹always¹.
· ¹Show passwords¹ - If this checkmark is checked passwords are shown in
plain text, otherwise passwords are replaced with three questionmarks (???).
· ¹Retry to connect also if the server was not reachable¹ - This option
indicates that ATC should retry to connect the server even if it was not
possible to reach the server (e.g. (61) connection refused).
Of course ATC tries the connection as often as you defined in
the settings.
@n 8.4 "ADT-Settings" ADT-Settings
There are three groups for ADT-Mode.
· ¹ADT-Findserver¹ - You should define your favorite ADT-Findserver here if
you want to search through Aminet. Nowadays ftp.wustl.edu would be a
good thing (tm).
· ¹max results¹ - This slider indicates the maximum entries for searching files
· ¹ADT-Rate Emailaddress¹ - You should write down your (real!) emailaddress here
if you want to rate files from aminet. The aminetserver will sent you a reply
to confirm your vote, if your email is invalid, your vote probably would
not count, you know. Urban is not in charge to sell your emailaddress
to anyone else nor is he doing strange things or the likes, though.
Therefore it should be safe to use your real emailaddress here.
°Highlight Pattern
If you are looking for some specific files in the first place you can set a
color for these files here. They will then be displayed in the color you
· ¹List¹ - You can see all defined patterns here.
· ¹Add¹ - Add a new pattern to the list
· ¹Remove¹ - Remove the active pattern from the list
· ¹Stringgadget¹ - You can edit the pattern here
· ¹Highlight Color¹ - Select a color which should be used for entries that
match the pattern
With aid of ADT-Filter it is possible to skip one or more aminetgroups from
beeing displayed. E.g. you never, really never want to see new
WB-Screenshots, just mark /pix/wb to be disabled et viola. This
can be done with a doubleclick on that group or you use the buttons under
the list.
· ¹Enable¹ - All selected groups will be activated to display new uploads.
· ¹Disable¹ - Now guess ;)
@n 8.5 "Server" Predefinitions for new servers
You can predefine new serverentries here, every time you add a new server
this setting will be used by default.
For more information on this setting see also `Server Settings' and
`Advanced Options'.
· ¹Keep Aminet dirtree on local drive¹ - If you check this checkmark
ATC will create exactly the same directories that aminet used to use.
You can see this as kinda aminetmirrorfunction, useful for e.g. a BBS.
· ¹Download .readme automatically¹ - If this checkmark is checked ATC downloads
the .readme automatically.
· ¹Surpress ADT-Logintext¹ - If this checkmark is checked ATC does not show the
Logintext (which could be pretty long on some servers) in the loglist.
· ¹Show Message Of The Day (MOTD)¹ - If this checkmark is checked ATC
download the MOTD and display it in a seperate window. Note that the
MOTD is downloaded if it's newer than the last downloaded MOTD only,
thus you won't see the MOTD all the time.
@n 8.6 "Events" Settings for special events
In this register you can set lotza events for certain conditions.
The conditions are not worth to be explained further, though. However,
here's what you can configure for every event.
This list show all events that can be combined with a sound.
· ¹Event¹ - This column shows the event for which you can add a sound.
· ¹Deiconify¹ - This checkmark indicates that the client should be
deiconified if the event occours. Of course a client can be deiconified if
it's iconified, only.
· ¹Signal¹ - If you want ATC to play a sound for an event you should check
this checkmark.
· ¹Sound¹ - If signal is checked to be active, you can select a soundfile
here. If no file is selected ATC executes a displaybeep and your amiga
will do whatever you have told her to do in the Workbench preferences.
· ¹Volume¹ - Set the volume for a sound here.
· ¹The ">" (Jenson) Button ;)¹ - This is the testbutton for the event.
°External player
· ¹Use external player¹ - ATC plays the sound via datatypes, if you want to
use another player then check it here.
· ¹Options for external player¹ - You should select your external player
here. %n is placeholder for the filename and %v for the volume.
An example is "play16 %n %v".
@n 8.7 "Colors" Color of the directory list on the remote server.
There are three groups where you can select different colors for the
serverlist, the listviews in FTP-Mode and for the CPS-History.
· ¹Inactive¹ - All servers that are not connected will be displayed in this
color in the Servermanager
· ¹Disrupted¹ - The server will have this color if a connection was
disrupted for whatever reason.
· ¹Connect¹ - If you start to connect the server, it will get this color.
· ¹Connected¹ - If you are connected to the server it will get this color.
· ¹Logged in¹ - The server gets this color if the login was successful.
· ¹Download¹ - While downloading the server gets this color.
· ¹Upload¹ - While uploading the server gets this color.
· ¹List¹ - If ATC is listing a remote directory the server gets this color.
°Dirlist colors
· ¹Directories¹ - Directories are displayed in this color.
· ¹Files¹ - Files are displayed in this color.
· ¹Links¹ - Links are displayed in this color.
The CPS-History is shown in the transfer window and can have the following
· ¹Graph¹ - The color for the graph of the CPS-History.
· ¹Background¹ - The background of the CPS-History will be in this color.
· ¹New transfer breakline¹ - This color will be used for a breakline if a
new transfer is started.
· ¹Show new transfer breakline¹ - whether or not you want the new transfer
breakline to be active or not, set it here.
@x 9. "TETRiS"
Select TETRiS in the server manager to play some tetris while downloading.
With the "N" key you start a new game, with the "P" key you pause the game.
With cursor up you flip a tetris-stone about 90 degree to the right, cursor
down moves a stone somewhat faster to the bottomline. The spacebar drops a
stone completely to the bottomline.
If you click outside the tetris window and thus it is no more the active
window, tetris automatically goes into pause-state.
@x A. "Support"
You can contact the author via email at the following address:
atc@amisource.de, ultragelb@amisource.de or gelb@gmx.net.
°World Wide Web
ATC support over WWW can be found at http://amisource.de/ATC/.
You'll also find the latest release as well as betaversions of ATC there.
If you don't, don't hesitate to blame Todi for the lameness :-)
If you should encounter numerous problems, bugs, nasty behaviour or even
crashs, you can report them to the mailinglist. To subscribe to the
mailinglist just send a mail to amitradecenter-subscribe@onelist.com or visit
@n B. "Known Bugs" Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
There are no known bugs atm. At least no bugs that, from my point of view,
can be called bugs or they have such nice effects that removing them would
spoil ATC in some way ;)
@n C. "Troubleshooting and FAQ"
Okay, you got me. There is one problem I'm not very fond of. If you are
using the patched Listtree.mcc (patched to use NList) on small screens
(640*480 and smaller) you can be assured that ATC will crash. The solution
to this problem is, to somehow make the class (resides in mui:libs/mui)
undiscoverable for ATC. You can do this by either rename it, delete it or
move it to another directory. The name of the class is NListtree.mcc.
ATC doesn't like the OS-patch NitrOS (or maybe NitrOS doesn't like ATC).
If you want to use NitrOS in conjunction with ATC, be assured that this
won't be an easy task and will cause problems. [Thanks to BKJ]
°Frequently Asked Questions
Q: The log is too big. Could you please reduce the size to 60% of
actually height. (or something like this)
A: There is a balance-object between the log and the upper GUI, so
you can set the size of the log by yourself. I suggest you to download
betterbalance.mcc from Aminet, which, in contrary to the original
balance class remembers the balance settings of the GUI.
Q: If I change the colors of the busy-bar, why won't they be taken over?
A: I assume you changed the colors from the ServerManager.
If yes, you have to change the colors from the MUI-prefs of every trader.
That's because ATC (ServerManager) and the Trader are two separate
applications in terms of MUI and save their prefs to different files.
Q: Everytime I change the font in the MUI-Prefs, ATC uses a different
font. Why doesn't ATC use the font I selected?
A: ATC has a BIG GUI so MUI cannot layout it with your selected font.
Simply change the screen resolution to a bigger size and all should work
@n D. "Hints" Useful notes
· Patch Listtree.mcc to NListtree.mcc
You must not really do this on your own because the installer should have
copied the NListtree.mcc already, except you deny the question during
installation (there's no good reason to do that).
¹Background¹: ATC actually makes use of listtree.mcc in the
servermanager. This MUI-Class is unable to display single entries in free
configurable colors. At the beginning of development, as ATC managed the
list via NList.mcc, the colorstuff was already implemented into the
servermanager to show the state for every server, that was no problem with
Solution: To get back the nice colorstuff into the serverlist, you load
the file Listtree.mcc into a texteditor. You then look for 'list.mui',
remove the 0-byte after 'list.mui' and replace 'list.mui' with 'NList.mui'.
Save the file as 'mui:libs/mui/NListtree.mcc and you're done.
· Convert AmFTP serverlist: To use the serverlist you have used in AmFTP
there is a short Arexx-script to do the job.
¹Instructions¹: You start AmFTP (for the last time in the next couple of decades)
open a Shell and change the directory to the path where the script is
stored, by default this is <your path:>AmiTradeCenter/Utilities. How to
change the current directory can not be explained any further because this
a long planned skill-test for everyone ;) If you indeed managed to change
the current directory (wooohooo, cool), write down in the shell 'rx
AmFTP2ATC.rexx' and press return very heavy (in case it works a little bad
these days).
The script then gets all entries out of the AmFTP serverlist and saves them
in a format that is acceptable for ATC as 'ram:ATC.Profiles'. If you
managed all these magic steps, you can close AmFTP and start ATC.
You then select the menu 'server/profiles/Add Profiles. A requester pops
up where you can, with an amazing ease, select the profiles file which is
still stored in ram:ATC.profiles.
· ¹ADT-Find¹: If you're in charge for a special archive it is recommended
to use more than one word to look for. E.g. you are looking for the MUI-Class
Busy.mcc. You should use 'busy mui' as keywords for the search process.
You'll see that very little archives will be found that way
(that's what you want if you are looking for a special archive, isn't it ;)).
@n E. "History"
v1.0 (04.02.2000) - First Aminet Release.
v1.1 (07.05.2000) - Second Aminet Release.
v1.2 (27.05.2000) - Third Aminet Release.
Please take a look at changes.txt for a detailed list of recent changes.
@n F. "Future"
· Arexx-Port
· Offline browsing of ADT recent files (maybe)
· Recent function for normal FTP servers using some kind of dircache (maybe)
· Downloadmanager
· Quick downloads
· Archie Server support (maybe)
· and numerous other things
@n G. "Thank You"
There are some people out there to which I want to say thank you because
without them ATC wouldn't exists. Or at least it wouldn't exists in the
form it actually exists now and makes it cute and likeable.
Furthermore, I have made sorta inexact psychoanalysis for everyone who
deserves thanks.
°Ingo "Nightrider" Musquinier
Here we have a guy who, as soon as he starts a program, is just blown by
bugs which no normal user would ever find or even notice. Furthermore he
has the strange talent to stress me with strange featurerequests which no
one would usually really need but which would be missed in ATC (if you
knew of the feature, because otherwise you'd never could think of such a
He is responsible for things like edit downloadbatch before download,
surpress ADT-Loginmessage, the batchlist for remembering files, the new
transfer breakline switch in CPS-History, the Aminet-Charts support and
some other useless and at least some useful things, too.
For the icons, which were made from Todis wonderful logo, I put in even
more thanks. He also made most of the Help-bubbles and the AmFTP2ATC.rexx
convert-script. He also wrote the installscript from scratch, it was his
first ever installscript (he starts learning the whole stuff especially for
ATC) which was a pretty nice move. Last but not least he is also
responsible for the demo-profiles and demo-settings and some tips in this
He also translated the german guide to english and contributed code for the
ADT-Rate-Mode so that ATC can handle SMTP on its own.
°Roland "Ronni" Hopfer
Ronni is a pragmatist as written in books or at least how it should be
written in books. What makes Ronni special and turns out to be no fun for
the developer (me) is his ability to find difficult to implement (but
useful) features as well as really nasty bugs.
Furthermore he can keep you close to a nervous breakdown but is kind enough
to let you not die immediately. He is responsible for things like sort by
date with the second sort criteria path in ADT-Mode, saving the last active
entry in the servermanager so it is active at the next start of ATC and
also for the active entries in directories when you reenter them.
Furthermore he is responsible for recursive download, keep dirtree in
ADT-Mode and a minor set of suggestions.
°Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen
This outstanding great boy (in any case) deserves most likely the most
thanks because he made this wonderful ATC-Logo (while he was watched,
controlled, instructed, blamed and finally calmed down with nice comments
again, via Webcam). He is the one who has created and maintains
Find out bugs and thinking of new features, I would give him a 2 this time,
but that wasn't a problem as there were two other guys who did that good
What was really nice, was his praise (without them I would have done it
anyway) in some situations.
Furthermore I would like to thank the following people (without them ATC
would still exists but would have more bugs and less features).
- ¹Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz¹
- ¹Luca "Hexaae" Longone¹
- ¹David Erman¹ - For the swedish catalogs!
- ¹Pascal Chiozzi¹ - For the french catalogs!
- ¹Marcin Juszkiewicz¹ - For converting the original OS3.5 icons to NewIcons!
- ¹Aldo Bianchi¹ - For converting the original icons to half-size!
- ¹Jeff German¹
- ¹David Scheibler¹
- ¹Michaela Prüß¹
- ¹Jeff Klein¹
- ¹Thomas Heinrich¹
- ¹Sascha Glade¹
- ¹Erdey <Erdey@gmx.net>¹
- ¹RUiNa <ruin@frontiernet.net>¹
- ¹BKJ <Vulture@freemail.gr>¹
- ¹Armin Hübner¹
- ¹Erik Inge Bolsø¹
- ¹No Frills <no_frills@x-stream.co.uk>¹
- ¹Oliver Förster¹